Christmas in Korea

I’ve had twenty-three years of stockings, bucks fizz breakfasts and pigs in blankets (pre-veggie days). But this year was different, I was in South Korea – 9 hours ahead in time and thousands of miles from a traditional English Christmas. Continue reading Christmas in Korea

A hearty bowl of Ma La Tang – the ultimate comfort food.

Now that I’m approaching the six-month mark in Korea, Ma La Tang (마라탕) has become a kind of ‘home comfort’ – with no access to a nourishing roast dinner or a traditional Friday night trip to the chippy, this is the closest I’ve had to ‘proper family food’ (sounds like something Jamie Oliver might say?). My favourite food in Korea is healthy, veganish and ironically, not Korean.

Continue reading A hearty bowl of Ma La Tang – the ultimate comfort food.

Busan Firework Festival; a view from one in a million

It’s been pencilled in the calendar since July. Finally we were off to see the Busan Fireworks Festival – an event that promised spectacular views on a city-defining beach, with over a million spectators. In five and a half hours, we’d travelled from our small town in Gwangju-si, to the ‘City of Tomorrow’ and upon arrival we knew we were in for something special.  Continue reading Busan Firework Festival; a view from one in a million

Feature: The American Influence in South Korea

Across the country, trains are packed and traffic is jammed as people prepare for Korean thanksgiving – yes, thanksgiving – the holiday as American as pumpkin pie and parades. Continue reading Feature: The American Influence in South Korea