Christmas in Korea

I’ve had twenty-three years of stockings, bucks fizz breakfasts and pigs in blankets (pre-veggie days). But this year was different, I was in South Korea – 9 hours ahead in time and thousands of miles from a traditional English Christmas. Continue reading Christmas in Korea

A hearty bowl of Ma La Tang – the ultimate comfort food.

Now that I’m approaching the six-month mark in Korea, Ma La Tang (마라탕) has become a kind of ‘home comfort’ – with no access to a nourishing roast dinner or a traditional Friday night trip to the chippy, this is the closest I’ve had to ‘proper family food’ (sounds like something Jamie Oliver might say?). My favourite food in Korea is healthy, veganish and ironically, not Korean.

Continue reading A hearty bowl of Ma La Tang – the ultimate comfort food.

A magnificent explosion; craft beer in South Korea

There’s nothing quite like a familiar face; after four months in South Korea, it was a pleasure to see our friend from England, Mike. And in true English style, the holiday was a  series of obligatory visits to the top tourism spots and apprehensively experiencing the Korean cultural quirks. Strung together by drinking a serious amount of maekju (beer). Continue reading A magnificent explosion; craft beer in South Korea